Merced City School District Merced City School District Logo
  • Arrive at bus stop five minutes prior to the scheduled departure time.
  • Use only assigned bus stop.
  • Remain properly seated (facing forward) at all times.
  • No standing or changing seats while the bus is in motion and without proper permission.
  • Refrain from transporting hazardous or destructive objects on the bus such as, weapons, firearms or any glass object.
  • Arrange for other transportation to school if you must bring live animals, reptiles, insects, ect.
  • Respect the rights and property of others on the bus.
  • Avoid rough play while at the bus stop or on the bus.
  • Always enter and exit through the front door, except in emergencies or evacuation drills.
  • Remain quiet at railroad crossings.
  • Keep all parts of the body inside the bus.
  • Keep the windows closed unless otherwise instructed.
  • Do not use profanity, make obscene gestures or create excessive noise.
  • Do not damage or deface any part of the bus, tamper with emergency exits or other equipment.
  • Do not eat, drink, or smoke on the bus.
  • Be courteous and respectful to others.
  • Give the bus driver a written request if you need to be left at a bus stop that is different from your assigned bus stop. (Request must be signed by parent/guardian).
  • If you board the wrong school bus, notify the driver immediately so arrangements can be made to get you to your correct bus stop.

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