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2020 Graduation Will Look Different

This year the Merced City School District is proud to graduate more than 1,200 8th graders to high school. Based on current state mandated shelter-in-place requirements, traditional in-person graduation ceremonies will not be possible. In order for social distancing to occur, this year’s commencement will be unique. MCSD plans to provide a virtual video tribute that will honor our graduates. Here are just a few of the accomplishments by the class of 2020: Cruickshank Middle School had two students qualify to represent Merced County in the State Spelling Bee and the top scorer i...

Cruickshank Girls Earn Top Honors

  Group photo (L-R): Kaitlyn Rockholt, Nicole Nguyen, Tynique Williams, Audrey Robinson, Cienna Christie, Sovanmaklika Peou More than 340 6th, 7th and 8th grade students from all over Merced County, competed in the 2020 MCOE Academic Pentathlon, on March 12.  The annual event is a demonstration of academic knowledge and cooperative learning skills.   Nicole Nguyen, an 8th grader from Cruickshank Middle School, in Merced City School District, earned the highly coveted 1st Place Overall Top Scoring Student award.  Fellow ...

Campuses Closed Rest of School Year

Dear parents and guardians,Students will NOT return to campus this school year but that does not mean school is out. As Governor Newsom and State Superintendent Thurmond encourage, student learning will continue through distance learning until the last day of this school year, June 4. Merced City School District is working to make this the best possible experience for students and their families. We will keep you updated.It’s important for parents and their students to understand, should the following criteria be met, school sites may reopen:• The California State Shelter in Place o...

LCAP Forum Postponed

In addition to the temporary closure of all MCSD schools, to prevent the spread of coronavirus, all events at schools are also on hold during the closure.  This includes the LCAP Community Forum, previously scheduled for Thursday, March 19, 2020 at Cruickshank Middle School. A new date for the LCAP forum will be announced in the future.  In the meantime, you are welcome to leave comments.Click here to look for the Questions or Comments tab and click to submit your response.   

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